Speciale Elezioni 2023 Turchia – i turchi al estero
Ho partecipato al programma „Seçim 2023 – Speciale elezioni 2023 Turchia (11ª puntata)“ di Mariano Giustino da Radio Radicale. Analisi sul voto all’estero e su come esso può incidere sul voto del 14 Maggio. Registrazione video di „Seçim 2023 – Speciale elezioni 2023 Turchia (11ª puntata)“, registrato lunedì 1 maggio 2023 alle 10:55. La registrazione video ha una durata di 10 minuti. Il contenuto è disponibile anche nella sola versione Read More …
Quo Vadis Turkey – Ta Nea
Article for Greek daily Ta Nea on the prospects for the 14 May elections in Turkey. Published on 22 April 2023. English version: What prospects for the elections in Turkey? The election campaign in Turkey is entering its decisive phase. All 26 parties participating in the elections on 14 May have submitted their lists of candidates. The largest opposition alliance, lead by the Kemalist-social democratic CHP, has succeeded in drawing Read More …
Speciale elezioni 2023 Turchia – questione alevita
Intervista sulle dichiarazioni del candidato d’opposizione alle presidenziali, Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, e sulla questione alevita. Registrazione video di „Seçim 2023 – Speciale elezioni 2023 Turchia (Quinta puntata)“, registrato venerdì 21 aprile 2023 alle 16:12. Tra gli argomenti discussi: Elezioni, Erdogan, Esteri, Presidenziale, Turchia. La registrazione video ha una durata di 17 minuti. Il contenuto è disponibile anche nella sola versione audio. Per il video: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/696282/secim-2023-speciale-elezioni-2023-turchia-quinta-puntata
Speciale elezioni 2023 Turchia
Ho partecipato ad un programma di Radio Radicale sulle elezioni in Turchia moderato da Mariano Giustino. Registrazione di „Seçim 2023 – Speciale elezioni 2023 Turchia (Seconda puntata)“, registrato martedì 18 aprile 2023 alle 14:30. Tra gli argomenti discussi: Democrazia, Elezioni, Erdogan, Esteri, Kilicdaroglu, Partiti, Politica, Presidenziale, Turchia. La registrazione video ha una durata di 14 minuti. https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/695952/secim-2023-speciale-elezioni-2023-turchia-seconda-puntata
How long will the Greek-Turkish honeymoon last? TA NEA
An op-ed for Greek daily TA NEA (1 April) on the improved bilateral relations between Greece and Turkey following the earthquakes in Turkey on 6 February 2023.

Dersimli Kemal for President?
Eliamep policy paper on the opposition’s presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu and the position, debate and standing of Alevis in Turkey. As being both Alevi and Kurdish, Kilicdaroglu would be a first in Turkey, never had an Alevi such a high position withtin the state structure. After years of ever harsher polarization, his presidency could help to bridge divides, be they ethnic or confessional and bring the country closer to accepting Read More …
9th KLAGK, 27 April 2023, Peru in crisis, Brazil in transition
The 9th KLAGK (Kölner Lateinamerika-Gesprächskreis), jointly organized by Kfibs and connosco, will take place online on 27 April 2023. The event will focus on two Latin American countries, Peru and Brazil. Until 31 March you can send your application to present at the event, see for details the text below:
Interview with Novosti on Turkey earthquakes
I was interviewed by the independent Serbian weekly Novosti (Zagreb) about the earthquakes in Turkey. The interview was done by Jerko Bakotin, the headline reads: „Citizens are furious because of the weak response of the state to the earthquake.“ Full interview: https://www.portalnovosti.com/ekrem-eddy-guzeldere-mnogi-gradani-su-bijesni-zbog-slabe-reakcije-drzave-na-potres

TV-Interview on the earthquake in Turkey, ERT
I was interviewed by Greek National TV ERT (7 February 2023) on the earthquake in Turkey. The questions were concerning why so many buildings collapsed, whether corruption plays a role, are amnesties happening to legalize irregular buildings etc.. full internview: https://www.ertnews.gr/eidiseis/diethni/ekrem-eddy-guzeldere-stin-ert-katastrafikan-akoma-kai-ktiria-trion-tessaron-eton/

Earthquake in Turkey, N1TV Croatia
I commented in the news program on the Croatian channel N1 on the earthquake, which occured on 6 February 2023 in 10 provinces from Antakya to Diyarbakir. Full interview of roughly 12 minutes: https://n1info.hr/video/newsroom/istraga-ce-pokazat-zasto-su-se-urusile-zgrade-gradane-po-najnovijim-pravilima/