Delphi Economic Forum IX

I will participate in the Ninth Delphi Economic Forum in April 2024 in a panel about Turkey and the EU. The Delphi Economic Forum IX Annual Meeting will take place from Wednesday to Saturday, April 10-13, 2024 in the historic town of Delphi. Vigorous and impactful discussions about the state and future of our societies will be held during all four days, by some of the most important current minds Read More …

Two Turkeys and the opposition at a crossroads, Progressive Post

Article for the Progressive Post on what the elecions in Turkey mean for the opposition: The Turkish election results mean continuity in domestic and foreign policy with a tendency to more authoritarianism at home and an eastward-looking foreign policy. For the opposition, the cards are being reshuffled and it seems that for now, the time of more liberal experiments is over. Full article:

Turkey Election: President Erdogan in tight electoral race, WION

I participated in a program on Indian News Channel WION on 14 May some 6 hours before the opening of the ballot boxes. For analysts it’s easy, because “everything is still possible”, so you can’t be wrong. The trend showed a little advantage of Kilicdaroglu in the presidential elections, but with less than 50% and an advantage of the AKP led alliance in the parliamentary elections. Watch the program (8 Read More …

Quo Vadis Turkey – Ta Nea

Article for Greek daily Ta Nea on the prospects for the 14 May elections in Turkey. Published on 22 April 2023. English version: What prospects for the elections in Turkey? The election campaign in Turkey is entering its decisive phase. All 26 parties participating in the elections on 14 May have submitted their lists of candidates. The largest opposition alliance, lead by the Kemalist-social democratic CHP, has succeeded in drawing Read More …

Interview with Novosti on Turkey earthquakes

I was interviewed by the independent Serbian weekly Novosti (Zagreb) about the earthquakes in Turkey. The interview was done by Jerko Bakotin, the headline reads: “Citizens are furious because of the weak response of the state to the earthquake.” Full interview:

TV-Interview on the earthquake in Turkey, ERT

I was interviewed by Greek National TV ERT (7 February 2023) on the earthquake in Turkey. The questions were concerning why so many buildings collapsed, whether corruption plays a role, are amnesties happening to legalize irregular buildings etc.. full internview: