Spazio Transnazionale – La Turchia dopo le municipali

Ho partecipato nel programma „Spazio Transnazionale“ (Radio Radicale) di Francesco de Leo il 5 Aprile 2024, 5 giorni dopo le elezioni municipali in Turchia. Abbiamo discusso alcuni aspetti dei risultati con Mariano Giustino, correspondente di Radio Radicale in Turchia. La parte sulla Turchia comincia al minuto 38:20 … Puntata di „Spazio Transnazionale – Israele e i civili – La possibile vendetta di Teheran – 75 anni della NATO – Read More …

RBB24Info: Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei: „Denkzettel“ für Erdoğan

Interview mit dem Inforadio des RBB über die Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei vom 31.3. 2024. Text des Inforadios: Bei den Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei hat Präsident Erdoğans Partei AKP massive Verluste erlitten. Die größte Oppositionspartei CHP hat landesweit die meisten Stimmen bekommen. Die Unzufriedenheit mit der wirtschaftlichen Lage habe das Wahlergebnis stark beeinflusst, sagt der Politologe Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere. Was sind die Gründe für den Wahlerfolg der CHP bei den Read More …

Globalistas – Eleições na Turquia

Fui convidado para o programa Globalistas da TV247 para conversar com Nathalia Urban e Brian Mier sobre as eleições locais na Turquia, que ocorreram em 31 de março de 2024. A clareza do sucesso da oposição, especialmente do maior partido da oposição, o CHP, foi uma surpresa. Isso significa que há um vencedor claro e, no caso do prefeito de Istambul, Ekrem Imamoglu, tem agora um político principal da oposição, Read More …

No country for (old-fashioned) opposition (Eliamep policy paper)

Policy Paper on the state of the opposition after the May elections. Turkey is facing the threat of having no viable opposition anymore, but a cosmetic one that serves to legitimize the government, but doesn’t have any real chances of winning important elections. If the opposition doesn’t act united in the municipal elections, which are scheduled for March 2024, the AKP will most likely win back cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Read More …

Two Turkeys and the opposition at a crossroads, Progressive Post

Article for the Progressive Post on what the elecions in Turkey mean for the opposition: The Turkish election results mean continuity in domestic and foreign policy with a tendency to more authoritarianism at home and an eastward-looking foreign policy. For the opposition, the cards are being reshuffled and it seems that for now, the time of more liberal experiments is over. Full article:

Nach der Wahl in der Türkei, RBB Inforadio

Interview mit dem Inforadio RBB nach der zweiten Runde der Präsidentschaftswahlen in der Türkei. Politologe: Erdoğan wird autokratischen Stil fortführen Der alte ist der neue türkische Präsident: Amtsinhaber Recep Tayyip Erdoğan hat die Stichwahl gewonnen. Weder das verheerende Erdbeben noch die Wirtschaftslage im Land seien für Erdoğans Sieg ausschlaggebend gewesen, sondern die Identitätspolitik, sagt Politologe Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere. Beim Thema Identitätspolitik spiele die Person Erdoğan eine wichtige Rolle in der Read More …

Turkey Election: President Erdogan in tight electoral race, WION

I participated in a program on Indian News Channel WION on 14 May some 6 hours before the opening of the ballot boxes. For analysts it’s easy, because „everything is still possible“, so you can’t be wrong. The trend showed a little advantage of Kilicdaroglu in the presidential elections, but with less than 50% and an advantage of the AKP led alliance in the parliamentary elections. Watch the program (8 Read More …