Metas ambiciosas para uma comunidade internacional dividida

Um artigo para o Centro Cultural Brasil-Alemanha, onde dei uma palestra em março de 2024. Também um vídeo curto com duas perguntas sobre como o novo governo Lula é visto na Alemanha e quais oportunidades o governo Lula3 tem em termos de proteção ambiental. An article for the Centro Cultural Brasil-Alemanha, where I gave a lecture in March 2024. Also a short video with two questions on how the new Read More …

Países emergentes no contexto da geopolítica atual (CCBA, Recife)

On 14 March 2024 I gave a talk at the CCBA on emerging states in current geopolitics (in Portuguese). A convite do Centro Cultural Brasil Alemanha (CCBA), o cientista político alemão Dr. Ekrem Eddy Guzeldere irá discorrer sobre o papel de países emergentes no contexto da geopolítica atual. A palestra, seguida de debate com o público presente, é aberta aos interessados pelo tema e será realizada na próxima quinta-feira (14 de Read More …

Delphi Economic Forum IX

I will participate in the Ninth Delphi Economic Forum in April 2024 in a panel about Turkey and the EU. The Delphi Economic Forum IX Annual Meeting will take place from Wednesday to Saturday, April 10-13, 2024 in the historic town of Delphi. Vigorous and impactful discussions about the state and future of our societies will be held during all four days, by some of the most important current minds Read More …

No country for (old-fashioned) opposition (Eliamep policy paper)

Policy Paper on the state of the opposition after the May elections. Turkey is facing the threat of having no viable opposition anymore, but a cosmetic one that serves to legitimize the government, but doesn’t have any real chances of winning important elections. If the opposition doesn’t act united in the municipal elections, which are scheduled for March 2024, the AKP will most likely win back cities like Istanbul, Ankara, Read More …

Dersimli Kemal for President?

Eliamep policy paper on the opposition’s presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu and the position, debate and standing of Alevis in Turkey. As being both Alevi and Kurdish, Kilicdaroglu would be a first in Turkey, never had an Alevi such a high position withtin the state structure. After years of ever harsher polarization, his presidency could help to bridge divides, be they ethnic or confessional and bring the country closer to accepting Read More …

Turkey’s Kurds: Kingmakers in the upcoming elections? (Eliamep policy paper)

Policy paper (published 26 January 2023) written together with Evangelos Areteos, about both changes in Kurdish society, especially among the younger generations and the role the Kurdish vote will play in the upcoming elections in May 2023. Read the full paper pdf of the paper: Introduction Turkey’s Kurdish population is undergoing profound societal changes characterized primarily by the dynamics of secularization and modernization. The younger generations of Kurds, mainly Read More …

Democratic-values against authoritarianism? In the end it will be [again] the economy, stupid!

Eliamep policy brief (28 July 2022) summarising the main aspects of the the fourth episode of the ELIAMEP-MEDYASCOPE MEDIA SERIES (ELIMED), entitled “Value-based opposition against authoritarianism” (28 June 2022). The participants of the program, which I moderated, were Özge Mumcu Aybars, Sezin Öney and Osman Sert. Link to the pdf: Summary Οpposition parties around the world (e.g., in Hungary, Poland, Brazil and Turkey) have started to form alliances against Read More …

ELIMED: Value-based opposition against authoritarianism

Together with Medyascope, we as Eliamep’s Turkey program, are co-organising a 7-part webinar series. The topic I moderated on 28 June 2022, the fourth webinar, concerned Turkey’s opposition, the Millet Alliance and to what extent this is a value-based and not ideological alliance for the upcoming both presidential and parliamentary elections. We however, also looked at Hungary, where the opposition tried a similar alliance against Victor Orban with a joint Read More …

Book chapter in Handbook of Regional Conflict Resolution Initiatives in the Global South

In the handbook, edited by Jerónimo Delgado-Caicedo, I wrote the chapter: “Turkey, From successful mediator to partisan actor – back to successful mediator?” The book was published in July 2022. Delgado-Caicedo, J. (Ed.). (2022). Handbook of Regional Conflict Resolution Initiatives in the Global South (1st ed.). Routledge. There is a 20% discount available to purchase the book (valid from mid-August onwards)