Wowereit and Black Wolf (24.8.2021)
DuvarEnglish article about societal change driven by individuals both in Germany and Turkey. Abstract: Although homosexuality is not illegal in Turkey, it is not widely accepted, as was the case in Western Europe until recently. In Germany, it took a 2001 mayor in Berlin to advance recognition. In Turkey, this role could fall to a young female volleyball player. Read the full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/wowereit-and-black-wolf-article-58577
The center is far right (10.8.21)
DuvarEnglish article on the government and the opposition … Abstract: In Turkey and abroad, the criticism focuses on the government and President Erdoğan. This portrays the opposition in a more democratic light. Something for which there is little substance. Most opposition parties rally with the government at the far right of the political spectrum. Full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/the-center-is-far-right-article-58440
Consumption and crisis (27.7.21)
Article for DuvarEnglish, abstract: Domestic tourism boomed during the bayram week. Hotels, beaches, resorts, shopping centers, were all full. All this during an economic crisis between a third and fourth wave of the pandemic? However, this form of consumption is not a good economic indicator, but distracts from the economic problems most Turks have been suffering from. Full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/consumption-and-crisis-article-58310

Intervista: Dissidenti turchi in Germania (RadioRadicale, 27.7.21)
Intervista dal correspondente di Radio Radicale in Turchia, Mariano Giustino, con me sulla situazione di dissidenti turchi in Germania. I dissidenti turchi sono in pericolo in Turchia e ovunque, non sono al sicuro da nessuna parte. Il 7 luglio scorso Erk Acarer, un giornalista turco, è stato aggredito nel cortile di casa sua a Berlino. Il messaggio era chiaro: se si è critici nei confronti del governo turco, non si Read More …
Danger here, there, and everywhere (13.7.21)
DuvarEnglish article about the attack against Turkish journalist Erk Acarer in Berlin. Abstract: A Turkish journalist was assaulted in the yard of his house in Berlin last week. The message is clear: If you are critical of the Turkish government, you are not safe in Germany either, you are not safe anywhere … Full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/danger-here-there-and-everywhere-article-58156
Webinar: „Turkey and the Global South“
I will moderate an Eliamep-Webinar on 13 July 2021 on Turkey’s foreign policy towards the Global South. The Turkey Programmeof theHellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP)is organizingan online roundtable discussionon: Turkey’s foreign policy has been diversifying since the 1990s with openings to all corners of the world. In this webinar, we want to discuss this foreign policy activismin the global South, its motivations, developments, challenges, success and failure Read More …

Turkey’s Soft Power in the Balkans Reaching its Limits (1.7.2021)
My second policy paper for Eliamep, this time on Turkey’s Balkans policies … Abstract: With the EU putting the Western Balkan countries in an undefined waiting room, there was more room for maneuver for non-EU players. Turkey among others used this space to broaden its influence in the Balkans from politics to the economy, from culture to military cooperation, albeit from a very low starting point. The bilateral relations with Read More …
A relatively positive agenda…at least until Merkel is out (30.6.2021)
DuvarEnglish article on the European Council under Portuguese EU presidency (January-June 2021) … Abstract: Even with the sustained status quo on Cyprus, EU-Turkey relations might become more troublesome after the elections in Germany in late September. After a new government is sworn in, Merkel is out. Turkey will lose its strongest ally, who has been protecting it so far from sanctions and harsher reactions and the strongest advocate of the Read More …

Webinar: “The East-Med and Turkey during Portugal’s EU presidency” (30.6.2021)
Together with professor Isabel David (Universidade de Lisboa) we organized and moderated a webinar at the end of Portugal’s EU Presidency with a special focus on what these six months meant for Turkey and the East-Med. What were the major challenges and developments during these six months? Besides this evaluation of the presidency and its effect on EU-Turkey relations, this webinar will also analyze the state of Portuguese-Turkish bilateral relations. Read More …
Greece and Turkey as close and distant neighbors (DuvarEnglish, 15.6.21)
DuvarEnglish article on Greeks and Turks … Abstract: What do Greeks and Turks think about one another? A survey conducted in both countries reveals widespread agreement, e.g. that the EU is unfair and that the East-Med is a major confrontational issue, however, the citizens from both countries largely do not feel that their cultures are close. Read the full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/greece-and-turkey-as-close-and-distant-neighbors-article-57825