Brezilya Bir Akıl Hastalığı Geçiriyor, Perspektif
Brezilya’nın eski diş ve savunma bakanı Celso Amorim ile röportaj. ‚Önce savaş bitmeli, ortalık yatışmalı ve pandemi tamamen bitmeli. Bu koşullar tahmin yapmayı oldukça zorlaştırıyor. O zaman dünya düzeni ne kadar çok kutuplu hale gelirse, Brezilya veya Türkiye gibi ülkeler için o kadar çok yer olacak.‘ Celso Amorim 1960’lı yıllardan bu yana görev yapan Brezilyalı bir diplomat. Toplam üç dönem dışişleri bakanlığı yaptı, Lula döneminde 10 yıl ve Dilma Rousseff Read More …

Eliamep-Webinar: the new German government, Turkey and its relations with the European Union
On 26 January 2022, we discussed what the new German government meant for Turkey, Germany-Turkey and EU-Turkey relations. The event can be fully watched on Eliamep’s youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB-qKx-ewVI The German government, formed following the 26 September 2021elections, is a tripartite coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP. Beingthe second biggest party, the Greens hold the Foreign Ministry, whose headfor the first time is a woman, Annalena Baerbock. Read More …

Germany’s New Government Coalition: A Red, Yellow or Green Light for German-Turkish Relations?
Eliamep policy paper (#90, December 2021) on what the new German SPD/Greens/FDP government could mean for Turkey, German-Turkish and EU-Turkey relations. What are the positions stated in the coalition agreement, what has the new foreign minister Annalena Baerbock so far said about Turkey and how could the relations develop in the coming months/years? Direct link to the pdf: https://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Policy-paper-90-Guzeldere-final.pdf Introduction On 26 September 2021, the SPD won the national elections Read More …

Intervista: Il nuovo governo in Germania e i rapporti con la Turchia
Intervista sul nuovo governo in Germania e i rapporti con la Turchia, la nuova ministra degli Esteri tedesco. Realizzata da Mariano Giustino. https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/655090/intervista-a-ekrem-eddy-guzeldere-il-nuovo-governo-in-germania-e-i-rapporti-con-la L’intervista è stata registrata giovedì 9 dicembre 2021 alle ore 10:37. La registrazione video ha una durata di 11 minuti. https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/655090/intervista-a-ekrem-eddy-guzeldere-il-nuovo-governo-in-germania-e-i-rapporti-con-la

Alleged assassination attempt against Erdogan, i24news
I was interviewed by i24news on an alleged assasination attempt against Turkish president Erdogan on 4 December 2021. A bomb was found at a car of a police officer who was to drive from Nusaybin to Siirt (ca. 200km) to be on duty during a rally of Erdogan on Sunday (5 December). I was arguing that this was not really an assassination attempt, because the bomb was at a private Read More …

Habibi Kiosk – Dies Das: Wie geht politische Vielfalt?
Tuncay Acar hat mit mir im Habibi Kiosk der Münchner Kammerspiele über die politische Teilhabe von migrantischstämmigen Menschen in Deutschland und speziell in München gesprochen. Das ganze Programm: https://vimeo.com/641626518 oder auch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgzE9uzQYjk und auch auf facebook … Tuncay Acars Blog: triptown.de

German elections and Turkey Part 3: German-Turkish/Kurdish MPs
DuvarEnglish article about the the elected German MPs with a background in Turkey Abstract: The elections on September 26 were won by the SPD (25.7%), just ahead of the CDU (24.1%). The Greens, who were considered possible winners just months ago, came in at only 14.8%, followed by the FDP (11.5) and the AfD (10.3%). The Linke (Left Party) failed to overcome the 5% threshold with 4.9%, but was able Read More …

Intervista sulle elezioni in Germania (24.9.21)
Intervista di Mariano Giustino, corrispondente di Radio Radicale in Turchia, sulle elezioni in Germania di domenica 26 settembre in riferimento alle relazioni Ankara-Berlino; sull’impatto che avranno nelle relazioni Germania-Turchia; sulla percezione della Turchia in Germania e sulle posizioni dei vari partiti politici nei confronti del governo turco e sulla comunità di origine turca e curda. Tutta l’intervista: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/648439/intervista-a-ekrem-guzeldere-sulle-elezioni-in-germania-di-domenica-26-settembre-in (25 minuti)

German elections and Turkey Part 2: Migration and German-Turks (22.9.21)
DuvarEnglish article on the elections in Germany on 26 September 2021 and what role migration and German-Turks play … Abstract: In the next German parliament, at least 20 MPs will have a background in Turkey, the highest number ever. All democratic parties, including the conservative ones, will send German-Turks to the Bundestag, in total 5 parties. This is not yet as diverse as the national soccer team, but the trend Read More …

German elections and Turkey – Part 1: What do the party programs say?
DuvarEnglish article (6 Sept. 2021) on the upcoming elections in Germany … Abstract: Turkey plays virtually no role in the campaigns of the political parties prior to the Sept. 26 election in Germany. Nevertheless, the election result will also have a major impact on German-Turkish relations, as a continuation of the current coalition is practically out of question. So what do the parties represented in parliament have to say about Read More …