From (virtual) Munich with harmony (23 Feb 2021)
Article for DuvarEnglish about the new rhetorical harmony between the US and Europe. For U.S. President Biden, the world is at a crossroads between autocracy and democracy. He is counting on allies in Europe to strengthen the democratic bloc. After four years of Trump, who declared the EU an enemy of American interests, one can understand the relief in Europe over Biden and his foreign policy course. However, whether the Read More …
Laschet not to change Germany’s approach towards Turkey (21.1.21)
DuvarEnglish article about the election of Armin Laschet to the presidency of the CDU, what it means for the party, its direction, but also the approach towards Turkey and the German-Turks. https://www.duvarenglish.com/laschet-not-to-change-germanys-approach-towards-turkey-article-55932

Intervista sull’elezione di Armin Laschet come presidente della CDU (17.1.21)
Abbiamo parlato con Mariano Giustino, correspondente di Radio Radicale in Turchia sull’elezione di Armin Laschet alla presidenza della CDU. Potete ascoltare l’intervista sull sito di Radio Radicale: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/626572/intervista-a-ekrem-guzeldere-in-collegamento-da-berlino-sullelezione-del-governatore
29 Dec. 2020, Relazioni Germania-Turchia, intervista con RadioRadicale
Intervista sui rapporti Turchia-Germania, in conclusione del semestre della presidenza tedesca del Consiglio dell’Unione europea: le confrontazioni nel mediterraneo orientale, Germania come mediatore, la questione del Islam in Europa, turchi-tedeschi, Biontech … Ascoltate tutta l’intervista sul sito di Radio Radicale: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/625271/intervista-ad-ekrem-eddy-guzeldere-in-collegamento-da-berlino-sui-rapporti-turchia
29 Dec. 2020, „2 German Turks“
Article for DuvarEnglish about Germany-Turkey relations, German-Turks, Bionetch … Read the full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/two-german-turks-article-55664

21 Dec. 2020: Germany-Turkey Relations: It could be worse
Policy Paper of the think tank Eliamep about the bilateral relations, the German-EU presidency, the options beyond accession and the role and position of German-Turks … Read the full policy paper: https://www.eliamep.gr/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Policy-Paper-Guzeldere-49-final-1.pdf
15 Dec. 2020, EU summit, Turkey and sanctions: It could be worse
1st article for the online paper DuvarEnglish about the recent EU summit (10-11 December) and what the German presidency meant for Turkey. Read the full article: https://www.duvarenglish.com/last-eu-summit-turkey-and-sanctions-it-could-be-worse-article-55477

18 Nov. Webinar – Turkish-French Relations
Online public discussion: “French-Turkish Relations: Strategic Tensions – Escalation on Islam: What Next?” You can watch the webinar in full length on Eliamep’s youtube channel: Speakers: Samim Akgönül, Professor, Strasbourg University; Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research, (CNRS) Zana Çıtak, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Güney Yıldız, IPC-Stiftung Mercator Fellow at German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP); Journalist (BBC) Chair: Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere, Non-Resident Read More …
Eleições nos EUA – importancia para Europa
Partecipei no programa Paraíba Todo Día da Rádio Cariri 101 FM sob as eleicoies nos EUA e sua sua importância para as relações bilaterais entre a Europa e os EUA. Para ver/escutar o programa: https://www.facebook.com/cariri101fm/videos/1544167619304961/
Il terrorismo sovranista tedesco è stato legittimato dalla politica
Intervista di Eleonora Ferrari per Orizzonti Politici sul terrorismo dell’estrema destra in Germania. Gli attacchi terroristici della destra xenofoba non sono niente di nuovo per la Germania. Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere, analista politico e giornalista tedesco, fornisce uno spaccato della società tedesca attuale, individuando una matrice politica dell’insorgere del terrorismo nero.