Here you will find reports, scientific papers, book chapters, webinars, conference presentations and theses written for universities, scientific journalis and think tanks. For the ESI reports to which I contributed between 2007 and 2013 please visit:
3 August 2023: Eliamep Policy Paper on Turkey’s Opposition after the May 2023 Election defeat
23 March 2023:
26 Jan 2023, Turkey’s Kurds: Kingmakers in the upcoming elections? (Eliamep policy paper, co-written with Evangelos Areteos),
29 July 2022, Eliamep policy brief based on a Eliamep-Medyascope webinar, Democratic-values against authoritarianism? In the end it will be [again] the economy, stupid!
15 July 2022, Eliamep-paper: Turkey in Afghanistan – more than one reason to stay
July 2022: Book chapter in Handbook of Regional Conflict Resolution Initiatives in the Global South
22 June 2022, Eliamep-Medyascope Webinar, ELIMED: Value-based opposition against authoritarianism
10 December 2021, Eliamep policy paper, Germany’s New Government Coalition: A Red, Yellow or Green Light for German-Turkish Relations?
9 July 2021, Webinar: “Turkey and the Global South”
1 July 2021: Turkey’s Soft Power in the Balkans Reaching its Limits; Policy paper for Eliamep,
21 Dec. 2020: Germany-Turkey Relations: It could be worse
Policy Paper of the think tank Eliamep about the bilateral relations, the German-EU presidency, the options beyond accession and the role and position of German-Turks …
18 Nov. 2020: Webinar – Turkish-French Relations: „Strategic Tensions – Escalation on Islam: What Next?”; You can watch the webinar in full length on Eliamep’s youtube channel:
12 Nov. 2019, Schaukel statt Brücke?
Podiumsdiskussion: “Die türkische Außenpolitik zwischen NATO und Nahost”; Veranstaltung der Europäischen Akademie Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Aus dem Programm der eab,
6 Giugno 2019, Forum Turchia – UE, Roma
Ho partecipato al primo Forum Turchia-UE, organizzato da Mariano Giustino nel nome della ONG Turchia in Europa da subito. Il Forum aveva luogo in una sala del Senato della Repubblica vicino al Pantheon. Ho riferito nel primo panel sulle relazioni bilaterali tra UE e Turchia, parlando un po’ della situazione in Turchia dopo delle lezioni del anno passato e della situazione in Germania dopo delle elezioni europee.
May 2018: FUNAG, the foundation of the Brazilian MFA Itamaraty, published my enlarged and updated (not so much to update) PhD thesis as a book, available as pdf download for free and as traditional book for 31 RS (ca. 7 Euros). Both available through the FUNAG library,
November 2017: My PhD thesis, which I wrote as an external student at the University of Hamburg from October 2015 to October 2016, was published, entitled „Brazil-Turkey Relations – a role theoretical analysis of emerging powers“ and is available for free at
December 2014, Die Kurden und der IS (zusammen mit Ergin Güneş) Welttrends,
May 2014, „A Political Romance: Relations between Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina“, co-author, Populari think tank Sarajevo,
June 2012: Book chapter: “Civilianizing Turkish policy – civil society in decision-making and civil-military relations“, in Abbas Kadhim (ed.), „Governance in the Middle East and North Africa“, Routledge International Handbooks
Inamo, Fall 2011: “Die Aleviten“,
Book chapter summer 2011: “The AKP, Civil Society and the Kurdish Question“, in Marchetti/Tocci: “Conflict Society and Peacebuilding“, Routledge New Delhi,
January 2011, Südosteuropa 58 (2010) together with Gerald Knaus
Generals, Christians and Turkey’s European Revolution
19 August 2009, Turkish Foreign Policy: From “Surrounded by Enemies” to “Zero Problems”
Centre for Applied Policy Research (CAP) – Policy Analysis
8 August 2009, Turkey: Regional Elections and the Kurdish Question (Peer reviewed)
Caucasus Review of International Affairs,
FernUniversität Hagen, Kurden in der Türkei – Kann Völkerrecht zum Frieden führen?
Master’s thesis, September 2008 (bitte kontaktieren Sie mich für ein pdf Dokument)
Turkish Policy Quarterly, Was There, Is There, Will There Be A Kurdish Plan?, August 2008,
Freie Universität Berlin, Zivilgesellschaft in autoritären Staaten – Ägypten und die Türkei im Vergleich, Master’s Thesis in Political Science, June 2000,
A selection of conferences since 2014:
– 28 June 2022, Online discussion: “Value-based opposition against authoritarianism?”, ELIAMEP-MEDYASCOPE Media Series (ELIMED).
– 26 January 2022, Eliamep-Webinar: “What does the new German government mean for Turkey and its relations with the European Union?” (Organisation and Moderation).
– 13 July 2021, “Turkey and the Global South” (Eliamep Webinar, Organisation & Moderation)
– 30 June 2021, “The East-Med and Turkey during Portugal’s EU presidency” (Eliamep Webinar, Organisation & Moderation)
– 18 Nov. 2020, “French-Turkish Relations: Strategic Tensions – Escalation on Islam: What Next?”
– 12 Nov. 2019, Schaukel statt Brücke? Die türkische Außenpolitik zwischen NATO und Nahost, Europäische Akademie Berlin und Friedrich Naumann Stiftung.
– 6 June 2019, Forum Turkey-EU, Senate, Rome/Italy.
– 12 July 2018, Turkey in the new presidential system (in Italian), Rome
29 Sept.-1 Oct. 2017, In drei Tagen durch die Europäische Nachbarschaft, Academy Tutzing, speaker in panel on Turkey,
– 19 September 2017, Turkey-EU seminary, Turkey in Europe Now, Rome (via skype),
– 12-14 April 2017, Democracy at a Turning Point, Zagreb University, Presentation: ““Emerging powers and (il)liberal democracies”
– 21 February 2017, Lecture at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul on “Turkey-Brazil: do odd partners really make good couples?”
– 14-17 September 2016, Workshop “Türkeiforschung in Deutschland IV” presentation of Turkey-Brazil relations, University of Hamburg.
– 26/27 March 2016, ELAIC 2016 conference, presentation: Turkey-Brazil relations, Bahçeşehir University.
– 9 July 2015, talk to international students (IES organization) about the Kurdish issue in Turkey.
– 22-23 May 2015, CESRAN conference in Konya on Eurasia, presentation on Brazil-Eurasia relations
– 13 April 2015, Introduction to modern Turkish politics, international student group, Istanbul
– 20 July 2014 Nachspiel – Brasilien nach der WM, Munich, presentation of the situation in Brazil during the world cup and a comparison of the protest movements in Turkey and Brazil, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation
– 10 May 2014, Zeit fellows conference Istanbul, presentation on the situation of the media, freedom of the press
– 5 Mai 2014, Middle East Conference of the Protestant Church of Germany, Istanbul, presentation on the Kurdish issue and the situation of minorities.