25 June, Turkey elections, i24news
Some comments on the elections in Turkey on i24news the day after the elections. More powers to the president, but also many question marks concerning how that will work in practice. In the video starting at about 3:50 minutes. Clip of the program: https://video.i24news.tv/details/_5801734883001?
24 Giugno 2018, Turchia elezioni, Radio Radicale
Ho partecipato al programma speciale sulle elezioni in Turchia su Radio Radicale. Il programma é condotto da Francesco de Leo, in totale ha durato più di tre ore, io sono intervenuto già al inizio. Tutto il programma sul sito di Radio Radicale: https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/545252/spazio-transnazionale-turchia-election-day
25 June 2018, Turkey elections, N1 TV
Short analysis of the election results in Turkey for Croatian N1 television. The clip (9 minutes) can be seen here, it is dubbed into Croatian: http://hr.n1info.com/a312325/Video/Guzeldere-o-Erdoganovom-cementiranju-vlasti.html
24 June 2018, Turkey Election Special, WionTV India
I participated in a live discussion on WION TV, an Indian news channel, on the presidential and parliamentary elections on 24 June 2018. The show was broadcasted during the voting and therefore does not include any results. See the full program of 16 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=lwsTSObm82o
23 May 2018, Israel-Turkey and genocide recognition, i24news
I participated in the evening news program on i24news, commenting on Israel’s possible recognition of the Armenian genocide in the coming weeks. What does that mean for the bilateral Israel-Turkey relations, economic relations and which reactions will Turkey show? Online there is no free content, it is only watchable through membership, the homepage is https://www.i24news.tv/en
17 May 2018, Turkey-Israel tensions, i24news
Short, even very short interview with i24news about the Turkey-Israel tensions and the OIC extraordinary summit in Istanbul on 18 May 2018. The short clip was posted to the twitter account of i24: How will #Israel's rift with #Turkey be discussed in the @OIC_OCI in Istanbul tomorrow? Turkey-based journalist @ee_guzeldere tells @JeffSmithi24: pic.twitter.com/b7pTve59ID — i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) May 17, 2018
1 May 2018, Turkey’s Elections, tgd
Article for „The Global Dispatches“ about Turkey’s snap presidential and parliamentary elections on 24 June 2018. Full article: http://www.theglobaldispatches.com/articles/turkeys-elections
24 Aprile 2018, Spazio Transnazionale, Radio Radicale
Ho participato al programma „Spazio Transnazionale“ di Radio Radicale di cura di Francesco De Leo. Abbiamo parlato delle elezioni antecipate in Turchia … „La seconda Conferenza per sostenere il futuro della Siria, organizzata da Unione europea e Nazioni Unite; I negoziati con la Corea del Nord; la Turchia tra elezioni anticipate e il conflitto in Siria: questi i temi di oggi in Spazio transnazionale, la trasmissione di RadioRadicale dedicata all’attualità Read More …
19.4.2018, Vorgezogene Wahlen, inforadio rbb
Interview mit dem Inforadio RBB zur Entscheidung, die Wahlen in der Türkei vorzuziehen, vom November 2019 auf den 24. Juni 2018. Das vollständige Interview in der Mediathek
07/2017, Zivilgesellschaft unter Damokles-Dekreten, BBE
Artikel für den Newsletter der BBE Europa-Nachrichten über die schwierige Situation der Zivilgesellschaft in der Türkei, besonders nach dem gescheiterten Putsch vom Juli 2016. Link zum Artikel: http://www.b-b-e.de/fileadmin/inhalte/aktuelles/2017/08/enl-7-17-guezeldere-beitrag.pdf